Quick Links for Parents/Guardians
Staff Directory
Student Recognition
Please do share details of the achievement accompanied by a photo so that we can celebrate these successes at school.
All Years, Exciting Opportunity to Join Our Invigilator Team!
We're looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our invigilator team for the upcoming exams at Victoria College!
Whether you're looking to make a difference during exam season or just want to earn some extra hours, this is your chance! No experience? No problem! We’ll provide all the training you need.
Plus, the role is super flexible — work as many exams as your schedule allows!
This is a zero-hours contract, and you'll need to have 5 years' residency and entitled status to work.
Already on the People Hub Invigilator register? We’d love to have you help out at Victoria College! If you or someone you know is interested, or if you’re ready to jump in and get started, please click here to find out more and apply.
You may also contact our Exams Officer, Ms. N. Greene, at n.greene@vcj.sch.je for a more informal discussion.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity — we can’t wait to hear from you!
All Years, Co-Curricular and Citizenship Awards
With up to 70 co-curricular clubs and activities on offer at Victoria College, no wonder that our students grow and develop their talents way beyond the classroom giving them valuable skills that they can employ and interests that they can pursue long after their time here.
Before half-term, we launched our Co-curricular and Citizenship Awards 2024/5 to recognise students for their outstanding commitment and dedication to co-curricular activities not just in school but also outside of school. All Victoria College students should refer to the application form below to nominate themselves for these prestigious awards. The deadline for application is Friday 6 December.
To find out more about the awards, please click here.
To apply to take part, please click here.
Thank you to our Foundation Partner, Quilter Cheviot, for, once again, sponsoring these awards.
All Years, Bruce House Charity Toy Drive
Bruce House would like to help families in need this Christmas, so they are asking parents and students (in all Houses) to donate any unwanted toys. They will then be taking them to charity shops across the island, so that parents who may not otherwise be able to buy presents for the children are able to do so - and will hopefully have a large variety to choose from!
Please see the flyer for additional information and the date/location for toy drop off. Miss Shrimpton and Bruce House thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.
Bruce House Christmas Toy Drive
All Years, School Counsellors
The school counselling team are available to your son and can support with a variety of issues including feeling anxious, low self-esteem, relationship issues, concerns at school, life events, decision making and so on.
The team are flexible and can offer one-off sessions as and when students need them or a set number of sessions depending on what feels best for them. Students can self-refer by using the referral form on the school website, via you - the parent/guardian by submitting the same form or by visiting the counselling team in the Dunlop room. Referrals will be reviewed by the Senior Safeguarding Team and the appropriate support identified.
Meet the Counsellors!
All Years, Upcoming Events (New Christmas Events Added!)
1. Victoria College Orchestral Challenge Concert - Tuesday 3 December. Register here..
After one term of lessons, here is your first opportunity to hear our Year 7 boys perform together as an orchestra and in groups. This year the students will be joined by the College Concert Band, and we will be able to hear some of the more advanced Year 7 musicians perform, making this a true celebration for our whole year group. Starting at 5pm, the concert will last no more than one hour.
2. Old Victorians Festive Reunion - Friday 6 December, Victoria College. More information and register here.
Victoria College Foundation is delighted to announce that they will be hosting a Christmas Drinks event for Old Victorians in the stunning De Quetteville Library on Friday, 6 December. This festive occasion will bring together alumni from across generations for an evening of drinks, mince pies, and seasonal cheer.
3. Christmas Crackers - Christmas Concert - Thursday 12 December. More information and register here.
Celebrate the Christmas season with the musicians at Victoria College. Bands, choirs, soloists unite under the leadership of Mrs Davies and Mr Murton.
** Please see the school calendar for the full list of events.**
Years 7-10, Activities Week 2025 Booking Deadline - Friday 29 November
Please find attached a copy of the Activity Week 2025 booklet, already shared with students on SatchelOne.
Please note that an additional activity has become available for Y7 as an off island trip: PGL on Isle of Wight.
The sign up form can be found here. Please note that sign up closes at 6pm on Friday 29 November.
Activity Week Booklet
Year 9, Duke Of Edinburgh's Bronze Award
Over 100 boys have now been enrolled and should have had an email from DofE.
Those taking part should check their school email for a message from DofE. This should give them their username and a temporary password. They will then need to upload the DofE app onto their phone and fill in their details. DofE will then send them a paper booklet and a money off card to use in outdoor shops (including online). The whole process is managed via the app. This makes it easy to upload photo evidence such as copies of assessor reports. Some tutor groups have started to do this in registration time.
The boys will need to decide what to do for the 3 areas - skills, fitness and volunteering. There are a large number of ideas for the skills section. See the attached booklet. If this is not completed within a licensed organisation, for example cooking at home, then 12 photos of meals/bakes need to be uploaded as evidence and then the form tutor or Mrs Blackmore can sign this off on the paper assessor sheet. This can then be uploaded via the phone app for approval. After key decisions, the students will be prompted to submit their input. This is important as Mrs Blackmore cannot approve any input; it will remain a draft.
Fitness can be continued with a sport they do already or even walking or 'couch to 5K'. Again, keeping evidence of progress via, for example, Strava allows the form tutors to sign this off after 3 months. Family members or people under 18 cannot sign off assessor reports.
Volunteering can be more challenging. For example, popular places like the JSPCA are oversubscribed. Volunteering to help neighbours with dog walking, mowing the lawn etc. can be one option, as well as beach cleans. Again uploading pictures or witness statements can help the tutors see the evidence and then sign this off.
The boys should have decided their 3 sections and filled in the areas online by Sunday 1 December 2024.
As usual, any concerns or questions please email Mrs Blackmore (m.blackmore@vcj.sch.je) and she will try and get back to you quickly.
Thank you so much for your support. We know that it is the responsibility of the boys, but parental support makes a huge difference.
Please see the attached help booklet which includes an FAQ.
Help Booklet - DofE Students 2024
Year 9, GCSE Options Evening, Tuesday 26 November
This is a particularly informative event where students and parents can meet with teachers and explore subject choices for GCSEs. It’s a chance to learn about different courses, understand future pathways, and make informed decisions for Year 10 and beyond.
Years 9 - 13, CCF Warning Orders, Friday 22 December & Passing Out Parade, Friday 6 December
Years 10 - 13, Elevate Study Skills Evening for Parents, Presentation Slides
Thank you to parents who attended the Elevate Education Parents' Study Skills Seminar on Wednesday Evening. Please find the link here for the presentation slides. There will be a number of Parent webinars over the next few months - please look out for the links in the newsletter.
Years 10 - 13, Morocco Trip Second Payment Due - Sunday 1 December
Please be reminded that the second payment for our trip to Morocco is due by Sunday 1 December via Parent Pay.
Payment Calendar
£175 – Payment owing 1 December 2024
£175– Payment owing 1 February 2025
£175 - Payment owing 1 March 2025
£175 – Payment owing 1 April 2025
Years 11 - 12, Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award
Following on from the increased uptake at Bronze level, we have had interest from both Year 12 and Year 11 to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Gold Award.
All those interested have been emailed a letter explaining how this works and how the school can help. Please follow the link enclosed to enrol. Following this, we will add your son's name to the Gold D of E 2025 list and a Parent Pay request will be set up. We will then be able to purchase the packs to enrol your son at Gold Level. They do not have to have completed Bronze or Silver.
This has been offered to Year 11, as once they reach 16 years of age, they can enrol, and we have some Year 11 students who have started already.
Please read the attached letter and if you have any queries please either send your son to speak with Mrs Blackmore or please email her directly (m.blackmore@vcj.sch.je).
Gold DofE Parent Letter
Year 12, Sixth Form Common Room Subscription - Deadline Extended
Whilst the college remains responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the building and certain facilities, the Sixth Form students have been keen to have direct input into the incidental enhancement of their own area. In order to do this, a Sixth Form Common Room Subscription has been set up. More information about the subscription, including how to pay, can be found in the letter below.
Deadline for payment - Friday 29 November.
Sixth Form Common Room Subscription - Parent Letter
Years 12 -13, Movember - Awareness and Fundraising Opportunity
We're delighted to be supporting Movember again this year, raising awareness for men's health. Many students have started November clean-shaven and will be letting their moustache grow throughout the month. A GoFundMe page has been activated here to raise funds for this fantastic cause.
Every other Monday throughout November, we will be taking photos in the Great Hall, to follow our fantastic staff and students on their journey to 'growing their mo' - it's not too late for staff and students to sign up. All you have to do is donate via the link above and come along to our Monday photo! (Next and final photo - Monday 25 November.)
Victoria College Careers
Throughout the year lots of information on careers opportunities are advertised in this newsletter. Students have a whole host of opportunities to choose from, including medical workshops, work experience, careers fairs, and several 'lunch and learns' both at school and at company offices. Please do encourage your son to attend some or all that are relevant to him.
Victoria College Foundation
If you or your business would like to support us in making our world-class education more accessible to young people from all backgrounds by providing financial support, please do get in touch via the links below.
The Foundation was created to support the ever-changing needs of school life and to help sustain the long-held tradition of providing quality education for all. The Victoria College Foundation plays a vital role in supporting bursaries and capital projects that allow the school to continue to expand, enhancing its facilities to meet the needs of our boys, the school and its community.
Become a Foundation Partner
Make a Donation
Leave a Legacy
Bistro Victoria
Please check the value on your son's bistro card and ensure it is topped up. Currently, only bistro cards are accepted.
Monday 25 November - Week 3

The new Autumn Term menu can be found here.
A reminder that parents and carers of Y10,11 & 13 VCJ students are invited to attend an Elevate Education study skills evening tomorrow to help them support their children in the run up to mock and final examinations. More information in the College newsletter. @VCJ_Head https://t.co/wRcnFzdJhS 1 day ago Follow Today, we celebrate #InternationalMensDay to recognise the positive impact of men, spotlight inspiring role models, and raise awareness about men’s well-being. Special thanks to all students and staff also taking part in ‘Movember’. Donate here: https://t.co/RHmmdtjtzJ@VCJ_Head https://t.co/SBlzGP1FqR 2 days ago Follow Did you know that we support students in completing their Extended Project Qualification? Worth half an A Level, it extends learning beyond the A Level syllabus and is highly regarded by universities and employers. Visit us to find out more: https://t.co/d0C0jEwguZ@VCJ_Head https://t.co/uoZQAdtIPv 2 days ago Follow |