Our Governors

Victoria College and Victoria College Preparatory School have a joint Board of Governors that meet regularly to oversee and support the schools. Our Governors are drawn from a wide range of backgrounds and professional disciplines and bring their expertise to their roles.

Governors are appointed to provide:

  • Stronger links between the school and the community
  • A wide experience of the outside world
  • An independent view and common-sense approach
  • A visible form of accountability for the Headteachers and staff of the schools
  • Support for the Headteachers and staff

The Chair of the Board is Richard Stevens, contactable at: s.rowles@vcj.sch.je.

Mrs Katya Petty, Clerk to the Board of Governors, holds a full list of contact information for the Governing Body along with their Register of Business Interests.  Please email Mrs Petty on a.lechevalier@vcj.sch.je or (01534) 638200 if you require any of this information.

Board of Governors - Annual Reports