Victoria College Students Achieve Excellent GCSE Results
Year 11 Victoria College students were due to sit their GCSEs this summer across a range of subjects. A total of 53.86% received grades between 7-9 (which is the equivalent to the A*-A grades).
Students were welcomed into the Great Hall on Thursday morning (12 August) between 9am and 12pm to receive their results. To adhere to social distancing rules, the students were asked to arrive via the outdoor staircase and follow a one-way system to collect their results.
Senior staff and careers teachers were able to offer support and guidance to the boys as they make the next important decisions about their futures.
Students results have been determined based on a range of evidence collated over the past two years of student’s study. There has been a rigorous internal process with Department Heads, Senior Teachers, the Assistant Head Academic and Headmaster, taking into account previous cohorts to determine likely progress, moderation by exam boards using their own standardisation model with a final result being produced from this assessment.
Headmaster Mr Alun Watkins said, "Today we celebrate with our talented group of GCSE students some excellent grades. With a third of all results at the highest level, grades 8 and 9, which is equivalent to the old A*, and over 50% of all grades at levels 7-9, our boys have maintained the high-quality results of their predecessors.
All of this has been achieved in the most trying of circumstances. Since they began their GCSE journey two years ago, this group of students have faced a series of unbelievable challenges and these tremendous results are a deserved reward for their hard work, resilience and tenacity.
They have been nurtured throughout by our dedicated and caring staff and their families who have shown great positivity and support, when it has been needed. The breadth of education - academic, pastoral and co-curricular - that we offer at Victoria College has been sustained throughout and it has enabled our boys to remain focused, active and confident, in spite of the challenges presented. With many of this cohort now moving on to the Sixth Form, we look forward to their continued growth and development, and further success in the future. We are immensely proud of all of their achievements."
Grade 9: 16.97%
Grade 8-9: 34.28%
Grade 7-9: 53.86%
Grade 4-9: 97.71%
Pass rate: 100%
Note: These results are provisional and are likely to alter after appeals and re-sits.