Quick Links for Parents/Guardians
Staff Directory
Alicja Raffray, Counsellor
Student Recognition
Please do share details of the achievement accompanied by a photo so that we can celebrate these successes at school.
All Years, Annual Parent Survey Coming Next Week
Next week we will be sharing our annual parent survey and encouraging you to have your say. The results of the survey will be shared with you, and serve as a really useful yardstick against which to measure ourselves, as well as help the College identify areas for improvement. The survey is also sent out to the boys and staff at the same time. Please can we ask that you take the time to complete it when it is shared as your input is so important to continuing to improve the College.
All Years, Timetable Change
Due to the number of Mondays that have been affected by INSET and Public Holidays, we have decided to replace the usual Wednesday Timetable on Wednesday May 10 with our Monday lesson Timetable. This will mitigate the loss of particular subjects missing Monday lessons in the run-up to the internal exams, particularly in Y7-9 where some subjects only see their classes once per week. Co-curricular activities will also run as per Mondays, unless advised otherwise.
All Years, Behaviour Management Update
Following feedback from our students, the College is working hard to try and get greater consistency of behaviour management and rewards across the school. There will always be variations - it's the nature of a very human endeavour, but recent staff training and changes to how some aspects of behaviour are managed should support consistency.
The boys, when asked, also shared their frustrations with lessons being disrupted by their peers. We already have a system called Assist, which allows teachers to tackle disruption, and the vast majority of students get it right the majority of the time. For those boys who persistently disrupt lessons, we are going to intervene in a new way. If a boy disrupts three lessons in a half-term he will be placed in Reflection for one day. In addition, Reflection now includes a detention at the end of the day, meaning a day in Reflection ends at 4pm.
It is important to note that the boys have all had this explained to them, and that the purpose of the sanction is to address the behaviour, not just to punish.
All Years, Art Competition Call for Artwork - Workshops
If you have registered for ArtEquals, please complete the submission form below. This will need to be attached to your artwork when it is handed in on or before Friday 26 May:
Submission Form - Art Equals
Mr Moody will be running ArtEquals workshops on Wednesday 3 and Wednesday 10 May after school from 3.30pm - 5pm in JADAT - all boys are welcome to come along and get involved.
There is still time to sign up if you haven't done so already via our website here.
As well as raising funds for the future Victoria College Wellbeing Garden, students will be able to keep up to 50% of their sale proceeds at the exhibition and auction on Friday 30 June in the Great Hall!
All Years, Places Available on Parenting Courses (w/c 24 April)
All Years, Clubs & Activities - Summer Term
The College is delighted to continue to offer the pupils such a wide range of amazing opportunities next term on top of all the Sport, Drama, Music, Duke of Edinburgh's Award, CCF, academic clubs and trips that will also be running.
Please click on the link below to find out more about times and locations of clubs, how to sign up and details of a brand new exciting club!
Clubs & Activities - Summer Term
Supervised homework sessions will continue this term and will be held Monday to Thursday from 15:30 - 17:00. For more information and to sign up please fill out and return the slip here.
Year 11, Sixth Form Transition - Tuesday 27 June
Please find attached a letter for Year 11 parents regarding the Sixth Form transition day, which takes place on Tuesday 27th June for all Year 11 students who wish to return to Victoria College for A Level studies.
Year 11 Transition 2023
Year 11, Study Leave and Exams
A reminder that Year 11 will have their final teaching day on Friday 5 May before commencing Study Leave. Students are welcome to come into school to revise, and a schedule of planned sessions will be published next week. Staff are also available by arrangement during study leave to support students in their preparations.
Please note that students with afternoon examinations before Study Leave may choose to study at home in the morning of their examinations. Please email attendance@vcj.sch.je to inform us of your son's absence, which will be authorised as exam leave. Please check examination start times carefully and arrive in good time for the start of the exam.
Year 11, GCSE Exam Clash - Wednesday 7 June
Exam Clash. There are 25 students who have three exams on Wednesday 7 June and these have been re-arranged as per the attached schedule. After the Multiple Choice Chemistry exam at 11.30am students will all go into isolation for one hour before their History exam in the afternoon starting at 1.30pm. Phones will not be permitted in the isolation room, and it is also important to bring lots of food and drink as they will not be permitted to go to the Bistro or off site into town. Any queries, please contact Examinations Officer, Ms Liz Croft (l.croft@vcj.sch.je).
Examination Clash Information - Wednesday 7 June
Y11-Y13, IoD Accredited Internship
Last year, The Institute of Directors Jersey, in partnership with Skills Jersey and Jersey Business, and in collaboration with Haute Vallee School and Victoria College launched a new scheme called the IoD Accredited Internship.
This scheme seeks to encourage students from Years 11 to 13 to gain valuable work experience in Hospitality and Retail on a casual basis, primarily weekends and school holidays. While undertaking this paid employment students will also work towards receiving a certificate accredited by the IoD. For more information about this and how to sign up please follow the link below:
IoD Accredited Internship Letter to Parents
Bistro Victoria
Please check your son's bistro card value and ensure it is topped up. Currently, only bistro cards are accepted.
Monday 24 April
During the last week of term, Dunlop House all got together for their House meal raising £160 for Macmillan Cancer support. More than 50 students and 6 staff enjoyed a meal and a quiz and celebrated those receiving Colours for participation in House events. A great evening! https://t.co/1hxGND1lri 2 weeks ago Follow Year 9 students attended a cyber security workshop run by the the Smallpeice Trust this week - a brilliant insight into ethical cyber hacking, designed to fuel their passion for IT engineering. Very excited about this next generation of computer scientists! @vcj_head https://t.co/3XZLXRH1RS 2 weeks ago Follow What a fantastic collaboration between VCJ students, La Ronde Concert Band and the Jersey Music Service at last night's Bandtastic event. Students had the opportunity to perform in their separate groups and then unite for a final performance. A great end to the term. @VCJ_Head https://t.co/4OnZrH2GOp 2 weeks ago Follow |