Quick Links for Parents/Guardians
Staff Directory
Alicja Raffray, Counsellor
Student Recognition
Please do share details of the achievement accompanied by a photo so that we can celebrate these successes at school.
All Years, Headteacher's End of Term Letter
We would like to wish you a wonderful Easter break. To read the Headteacher's end of term newsletter, please click here.
All Years, Reminders for Next Term
Students must wear appropriate school shoes. Trainers are not permitted except for limited periods and accompanied by a signed and dated note.
I would also like to remind parents that Victoria College does not allow students to use their phones during the school day. If you need to get a message to your son, please support our College rules by contacting the Office. Do not text or call your son. If your son calls or texts you, please do not answer them, but contact the Office and we will ensure all is ok.
If you have any questions about this, please do contact either Deputy Head, Patrick Crossley (p.crossley@vcj.sch.je) or Assistant Head, Student Progress, Mr Griffin (a.griffin@vcj.sch.je).
All Years, Support for Young People and Parents
Please see below for some resources that may be helpful for parents and their children. There is some excellent evidence-based advice on the below websites/apps:
1. Kooth - Free, safe, and anonymous online counselling and support for young people in Jersey. Website – www.kooth.com
2. YES (Youth Enquiry Service) - Support, Advice & Counselling. Call 0800 7350010 to speak to a Youth Worker Monday - Thursday 14:00-19:00, Fridays 14:00-18:00 and Saturdays 10:00-18:00. Website - www.yes.je
3. distrACT - app provides easy, quick and discreet access to general health information and advice about self-harm. Available: iOS or Android (free)
4. The Virtual Hope Box (VHB) is an app as an accessory to treatment. The VHB contains simple tools to help with coping, relaxation, distraction, and positive thinking. Available: iOS or Android (free)
5. Calm Harm is a free app that helps you manage or resist the urge to self-harm.
6. YoungMinds Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People
All Years, Art Competition Call for Artwork - NEW DEADLINE, Friday 26 May
Hopefully the Easter holidays will bring some time for the boys to think about the piece they'd like to make for the exhibition.
Mr Moody will be running ArtEquals workshops on Wednesday 3 and Thursday 10 May after school - all boys are welcome to come along and get involved in creating a collective piece to be exhibited in the Great Hall.
With over 25 students registered for our inaugural ArtEquals project alongside 15 local artists, we are very excited about our exhibition and auction this summer.
As well as raising funds for the future Victoria College Wellbeing Garden, students will be able to keep up to 50% of their sale proceeds at the exhibition and auction on Friday 30 June in the Great Hall!
Parents who wish to get involved, either donating artwork for the auction, creating your own artwork to exhibit, volunteering at the event or even helping secure corporate sponsorship should reach out to Emily Sweeny (e.sweeny@vcj.sch.je).
All Years, Clubs & Activities - Summer Term (Updated)
The college is delighted to continue to offer the pupils such a wide range of amazing opportunities next term on top of all the Sport, Drama, Music, Duke of Edinburgh, CCF, academic clubs and trips that will also be running.
Please click on the link below to find out more about times and locations of clubs, how to sign up and details of a brand new exciting club!
Clubs & Activities - Summer Term
All Years, Multilingual Young People Project
Following the launch of the Multilingual Young People Youth Club, regular youth club sessions have attracted more than 200 new attendees.
The Youth Service would like to invite any students that require additional support in English language to help them decorate/spray paint the skatepark showcasing flags of their language. Once they know how much interest they have in this project, they will organise a date, most likely on a Saturday around 2pm - 5pm. Space is limited for 7 young people. For information on how to get in touch, please click here.
Supervised homework sessions will continue next term and will be held Monday to Thursday from 15:30 - 17:00. For more information and to sign up please fill out and return the slip here.
All Years, House Music Photos for Sale
Photos from House Music 2023 are available to purchase for a minimum donation of £5, which will go directly to the Victoria College Foundation. For more information and to browse the photos, please click here.
All Years, ADHD Presentation for Parents/Carers of Teenagers
Please find here details of an upcoming evening presentation with guest speaker Anthea Carroll (Deputy Head Teacher and SENCO from Springfield School) who will share her experience and research on the ADHD brain.
Y7, PE and Games Rotations
Please find the latest PE rotation for Y7, starting after half-term. The information here details the new activity your son will be doing, as well as the kit he will need.
In addition, the Sports Teams training sessions and activities for the term ahead are now updated on the College Calendar.
Y7 PE and Games Rotations
Y9 & Y11, Progress Review
Please be advised that a new Progress Review was published on Thursday 30 March and is available via Go4schools.
If you do not think you have received an email from Go4Schools please check your Junk folder. If you are unable to access your son's report, please email Head of Academic, Karen Palfreyman ( k.palfreyman@vcj.sch.je)
Y11-Y13, IoD Accredited Internship
Last year, The Institute of Directors Jersey, in partnership with Skills Jersey and Jersey Business, and in collaboration with Haute Vallee School and Victoria College launched a new scheme called the IoD Accredited Internship.
This scheme seeks to encourage students from Years 11 to 13 to gain valuable work experience in Hospitality and Retail on a casual basis, primarily weekends and school holidays. While undertaking this paid employment students will also work towards receiving a certificate accredited by the IoD. For more information about this and how to sign up please follow the link below:
IoD Accredited Internship Letter to Parents
Y12, Higher Education Information Evening Follow Up
Bistro Victoria
Please check your son's bistro card value and ensure it is topped up. Currently, only bistro cards are accepted.
Monday 17 April
What a fantastic collaboration between VCJ students, La Ronde Concert Band and the Jersey Music Service at last night's Bandtastic event. Students had the opportunity to perform in their separate groups and then unite for a final performance. A great end to the term. @VCJ_Head https://t.co/4OnZrH2GOp 1 day ago Follow Very proud yesterday to receive this trophy for the highest participation levels across all Jersey schools in The Grace Crocker Family Support Foundation February Challenge raising £450. Well done to all teachers and students!#communityandtogetherness @GraceCrockerFSF https://t.co/mUpentmtaU 1 day ago Follow Congratulations to our newly accredited Junior Sports Leaders - Arush, Freddie, Gus, Will, Jacob, and Gabriel. This nationally accredited qualification develops young people's sports leadership skills to allow them to teach fun, safe, inclusive sports activities. @vcj_head https://t.co/X2psoRX6vL 2 days ago Follow |