Employer Engagement

Employer Partners 

We have developed some amazing relationships with local employers, providers, and charities over the years. Massive thank you to you all for your ongoing support, your input brings our careers programme to life and always has such a powerful impact. 

Foundation Partners

If you are interested in becoming a foundation Partner, click here for more information.

Click here to view the brochure for prospective Foundation Partners.

Prospective Employers and Foundation Partners 

Victoria College would love to hear from prospective employers who would be willing to share their experiences and help build our students knowledge of employability skills, the workplace, the labour market and job search skills. 

If you would be interested in contributing to our careers offer please email careers@vcj.sch.je or call on 01534 638239.

Yr8 Speed networking 

Yr 9 Sustainability week project 

Yr9 Skills Show 

Yr12 Careers Fair – 1:1 interviews 

National Careers week 

Lunch & Learn sessions